Welcome to The Tiger’s Prey by Liger Cub, an investment newsletter launched with the aim of contributing across the investment process spectrum.

Investing is a blend of science and art. A successful investor must operate under a robust investment philosophy implemented through a thorough and repeatable investment process. Typically, this process involves idea generation, research process, and portfolio construction. In my approach, the research process is entirely discretionary, portfolio construction is entirely systematic, and idea generation integrates both discretionary and systematic elements.

Sample Files

PAR Technology Corp. (NYSE:PAR) Write-Up
321KB ∙ PDF file
The four-page write-ups, published on at least 20 Thursdays annually and at least once monthly, are structured in the familiar format of sell-side equity research reports. Do not expect lengthy wiki-style documents. My focus will be on delivering concise, differentiated views that sophisticated PMs and retail investors can digest quickly before initiating their own research process.

Note: If you have trouble downloading this sample file, please refer to the original post here.

PAR Technology Corp. (NYSE:PAR) Model
729KB ∙ XLSX file
The four-page investment write-ups are accompanied by institutional-grade models, offering a closer look into my research process. Each one is manually built from scratch as a typical comprehensive buy-side model with a few sell-side tweaks.

Note: If you have trouble downloading this sample file, please refer to the original post here.

Idea Thesaurus #8 (Paused)
1.09MB ∙ PDF file
The weekly Idea Thesaurus file, published every Sunday at 13:00 ET, compiles 23 high signal-to-noise ratio idea generation sources of stocks trading at the NYSE, NYSEAM, NYSEARCA, NasdaqGS, NasdaqGM, NasdaqCM and BATS. It serves as the initial step of a robust and repeatable fundamental investment process. While occasional opportunities may arise from various idea sourcing activities, such as reading the business press, scrolling through FinTwin, examining new 52wk lows or running sophisticated stock screens, the Idea Thesaurus file focuses on systematically and consistently covering the most fruitful idea sources.

Note: This file is paused. If you have trouble downloading this sample file, please refer to the original post here.

Future Plans

In addition to continuous improvements to my current offering, once 6-10 write-ups are live, I will make my entire portfolio construction process, including position sizing and optimization, publicly available through the establishment of a live tracking portfolio and regular portfolio reviews.

About Me

While I prefer to maintain a pseudonymous presence, I can reveal some details about myself. In addition to holding an advanced degree in finance and having completed my CFAs, I have both sell-side and buy-side equity research exposure. However, the bulk of my knowledge has been acquired through a rigorous self-study program. And a little secret for the end: I'm also a licensed lawyer, although currently inactive.

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I look forward to connecting with you, whether it’s through Twitter/X DM (@realLigerCub) or via email at info@thetigersprey.com.

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Contributing across the investment process spectrum


Generalist public equities stockpicker. Long-biased, yet opportunistic. DYODD. Email: info@thetigersprey.com